Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #47 - Dan Hirsch on LA's Hidden Nuclear Disaster



Interview with Daniel Hirsch on the 1959 Santa Susana Field Laboratory nuclear meltdown - more radiation released than Three Mile Island! - and the current status of clean-up attempts. PLUS: The battle over San Onofre heats up with four times the number of damaged pipes in the steam generators as SCE assumes restart in June and NRC Chairman Jaczko smacks 'em down; Japan celebrates the shut-down of its last nuclear reactor; Physicians for Social Responsibility press conference in NYC presents Japanese physicians and nuclear experts telling the truth about Fukushima's current impact (scary health risks and Unit 4 dangers); 70 Japanese civil organizations petition UN to organize a Nuclear Security Summit re: Unit 4; Washington State finally testing seafood, clams for radioactivity; and Greenpeace activist bombs French nuclear reactor! (Smoke bomb, but still, it makes the point.)