Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #49, Hosted by Libbe HaLevy - May 22, 2012



Interpreter/anti-nuke activist Umi Hagitani talks about the real concerns of the Japanese people and her experiences translating for Fukushima survivors who addressed U.S. anti-nuke demos and the media. Plus: NRC's Jaczko resigns his Chairmanship; Sen. Barbara Boxer goes after Southern California Electric over sidestepped licensing amendment for steam generator design changes; Alaska Senator Mark Begich says tsunami debris will be worse than Exxon Valdez - but Washington still can't tell him a plan for dealing with it; Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds says Unit 3 may be just as bad as Unit 4; meanwhile Unit 1 has only 15" of water and no one's sure where the corium is; Koodankulam protestors get UK MP support, while Indian government numnutz will be sending shrinks to Koodankulam to create "don't worry, be happy" mental exercises to calm down those wascally nuclear protesters!