Mnm Musings

Sense Healing | By Bhumika Chainani



MnM Talkies presents a very rare Combination of Energy Healing, Sound Healing and Meditation - "SENSE HEALING" by Bhumika Chainani. Pick a peaceful corner, wear comfortable clothes, plug in your headphones! ARE YOU READY? About the session : "Receivings - happiness or sorrows or any good & bad experiences from anyone, is a result of our own created accounts in some previous birth/s. Manytimes we seek answers to some questions which no one is able to answer. Every physical lifetime we have to learn through our own experiences, some very important lessons, conciously, unconciously & sub-conciously. Certain lessons we have learnt but still, we get puzzled in the process somewhere or the other.So, we are unable to cross that stage & we feel anxious.This is where these sessions help us to make us comfortable & gain focus."