Vox Community Podcast

For God...Part 2 - Sept. 18 2016



This week we revisit and extend the teaching on John 3:16 with For God...part 2. We take the time to pay close attention to the significance of God giving himself a name to know Him by. Furthermore, as those who follow Jesus, we become those you carry the name of Jesus at the forefront of our identity. When this is taken seriously, our lives should look much different than we suspect and witness in our modern day version of Christianity. While it may be seen as simple to change our attitudes when we drive around with the "Jesus Fish" Sticker on our car, many of us would agree it manifests deeper than changing our behavior. Rather, it would point us to becoming a people of reconciliation, forgiveness, peace, and justice in our day and age. Would love to see your comments and thoughts below! Learn more about VOX Community: www.voxoc.com Like VOX Community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/voxcommunity Follow VOX Community on Instagram: www.instagram.com/voxcommunity Say Something! info@voxoc.com VOX Co