Vox Community Podcast

His Only Son... Oct. 16 2016



John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son.” God did not give his only son out of being vengeful for a fallen world. He gave his only son because He loved us so much. The story of Abraham and Isaac, in Genesis 18-22, demonstrates the kind of love God has for us. God told Abraham that He would be the father of many nations. However, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, only had a son because of God’s miraculous intervention when Abraham was 100 years old. Years after their son, Isaac, was born God asked Abraham to offer Isaac as a burnt sacrifice to test Abraham. God’s testing is not pass/fail it is about arranging circumstances to show what is already in a person’s heart. God knew Abraham would honor His request. With this, Abraham took Isaac, along with two servants, and a donkey, to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham bound Isaac (Scholars consider that Isaac was likely in his 30's, not a child as we often assume.), laid him on the newly built alter, ready to honor God’s reques