Vox Community Podcast

That Whoever... Oct. 16 2016



In John 3:16 God says “that whoever believes in Him has everlasting life.” Who is included in that? Jesus’s entire ministry can be summed up by the word “whoever.” He made himself available to everyone, including the outcasts. To begin, Matthew 8:1-10 describes a leper who asked Jesus to make him clean. Back then, the only class of people lower than the lepers were Gentiles or tax collectors! Lepers were ostracized and those who associated with them were automatically deemed unclean. Yet Jesus reached out and touched the leper…regardless of the fact that He would be considered unclean for doing so. Later on we read about the centurian—a Gentile instrument of social terrorism—who comes to Jesus to request healing for his servant. Once again Jesus displays love and compassion. Another good example is in Luke 19:1-10. Zacchaeus was a complete pariah…the worst lowlife of all. He betrayed his own Jewish people by collecting their taxes on behalf of the Romans. Jesus was passing through his town, already plannin