Vox Community Podcast

Believes in Him... Oct. 30 2016



This week we take a close look at what it means to believe in regards to the passage in John 3:16. While many of us get bogged down by the rules that are seemingly placed in our modern culture about what it means to be a Christian, we learn that covenant love paints a much different picture about what it means to follow Jesus, who's love goes beyond many of the boundaries we face in our church cultures. Story by Alex Crisostomo Alex shares a riveting and compelling story about his journey through child abuse, drug abuse, gang life, and becoming a follower of Jesus. He reminds us of the purpose and pursuit that God has in mind for us, and that often our story to find him is often messy and unexpected. Check out the whole story on the podacst! Would love to see your comments and thoughts below! Learn more about VOX Community: www.voxoc.com Like VOX Community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/voxcommunity Follow VOX Community on Instagram: www.instagram.com/voxcommunity Say Something! info@voxoc.com Join