Vox Community Podcast

Q&A Gathering - Nov. 6 2016



The teaching today consisted of responses to audience-generated questions. Mike's responses were as follows: 1. While some of the rules in the Old Testament may seem excessive, harsh, and just plain weird, God was embedding his principles into the cultural norms of the day to effectively reach his people. 2. There's no clear answer as to whether Adam and Eve were really the first people on earth, but Mike's view is that they were simultaneously real people and archetypes (e.g., Adam represented humanity). 3. While the Christian view is to long for Christ's return generally, a desire to delay that return so that loved ones may know Him embodies the heart of God as well. 4. When God does not answer prayers, the only solution is to continue asking; God is not offended by chutzpah. An unanswered prayer is not a sign of a lack of faith. 5. A lot of Christians may have begun their journeys with a self-interested desire for healing, but just as children (hopefully) grow to love and respect their parents, so t