Vox Community Podcast

No Ordinary Shepherds - Dec. 18th 2016



Mike Erre shares a unique perspective on the typical “pre-packaged and predictable” Christmas Story. He focused on the shepherds --- their tainted reputation, their culture, and their role in the birth of the Messiah. With a look at “Shepherd’s Hill” (near Bethlehem), we are provided insight into the selection and care of prime sacrificial lambs for the Passover. Striking similarities existed between the destiny of these lambs and the birth of the Savior. When the Angels appeared to the shepherds declaring the good news for all, we find God using these most unlikely ones to guide people to Jesus. In fact, we learn that throughout the Christmas account, God amazingly used those who were unlikely, scandalous, forgotten, and marginalized. Mike also took time to answer the following pre-texted messages from the community: 1.) If God is for “all nations”, how is the income from VOX Community fulfilling that role? 2.) If we don’t believe in Jesus, why would a loving God have us go to a place called Hell? 3.) Why