Vox Community Podcast

Who Have We Become? - April 15 2018



Tim Muelhoff, in this lesson, shares a personal conviction he feels should be addressed in the modern church. He acknowledges how Jesus had a reputation for attracting those who were poor, different, and marginalized; yet, today, many churches have developed a different reputation, often linked to a political agenda and the marginalization of those who are different. Tim cites Acts 11:19-23 where Barnabas noticed that the Christians in Antioch demonstrated the grace of God and stayed true to the Lord. They followed Christ’s greatest commandment of Loving the Lord with heart, soul, and mind. They also followed the 2nd greatest commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself. Tim uses Leviticus, chapter 19, to explain details on fulfilling these commandments and handling our differences. He then discusses practical ways to start productive conversations, combat stereotypes, prophetically use your voice, and properly use social media. Our challenge, like those Christians in Antioch, is to show God’s grace and st