Vox Community Podcast

John 12 - Bonnie Lewis - April 8 2018



In light of recent changes at Vox, Bonnie asks us to reflect on an important question: What’s our next move? In response, she examines a similar scenario the disciples faced (John 12:20-26), and Jesus’s telling response. When Greeks asked Philip and Andrew to meet Jesus, they hesitated because they were wary of the type of influence they might have on their community, which had survived some traumatic experiences. When they consulted Jesus, He responded by telling them He wasn’t going to be around forever—it was their turn to make a decision as a community. Change is hard, but the way we walk forward matters. There are some things that have to die in order for new life to be birthed. There are some things that need to stay in order for community to get stronger. Bonnie concludes by reminding us of what the disciples were: a small, grassroots movement started by 12 guys who—after experiencing trauma—stuck it out and stuck together. The way they responded changed the world. Would love to see your comments an