Vox Community Podcast

Pearl Pushers - May 6th 2018



Ronny Roa brings a thought-provoking message entitled “Pearl Pushers,” centered around one verse, Matthew 6:7. The verse is often misused and taken out of the context in the Sermon on the Mount. We learn that casting pearls to dogs or pigs does not provide them any nutritional benefit. It is a complete waste with negative results. This scenario brings up many questions. When we share scripture without the response we hoped for, is it possible we are sharing scripture in a way that does not benefit the hearer? Is our approach to scripture sharing correct? Is our advice channeled through condemnation and judgement? Do we think those that don’t heed our advice are just like pigs and dogs? Are we truly directing people towards the Kingdom of God, which is about human equality, compassion, and God’s unconditional love and grace? When we “push our pearls” (our incorrect approach, opinions, and judgment) on people, we are misappropriating God’s message.