Vox Community Podcast

The Challenge of Love - June 24 2018



The story of Zacchaeus is often shared with our youngsters in Sunday School classes. Will Anderson, however, shares a deeper perspective from Luke chapter 19, viewed in the context of the Roman culture. Will identified how Jesus was often misunderstood when he contradicted people’s expectations and stereotypes (i.e., Pharisees are righteous, and tax-collectors are not). He shattered the status quo when He invited himself to dine at Zacchaeus’s house. Why would He give such an honor to a despised tax-collector? After sharing multiple perspectives on the event, Will suggests that the Zacchaeus story is a vivid picture of the gospel message -- Christ redeems the most unlikely people who are often hated by others. We are challenged to exercise this grace that Christ showed to Zacchaeus, as we deal with those whom we dislike, and those not meeting our expectations. God wants to use us as instruments of reconciliation. Would love to see your comments and thoughts below! Learn more about VOX Community: www.voxoc.c