Vox Community Podcast

Betrayal and Forgiveness - July 8 2018



This week, Jack West invites us to take a closer look at the table by studying John’s account of the eucharist in John 13. Instead of focusing on the meal, John focuses on the significance behind Jesus washing His disciples’ feet. It wasn’t just that Jesus performed the act of a servant—it’s that He did it knowing Judas would betray Him. He still washed his feet. He still invited Judas to partake of the bread and wine. He still forgave him. Jesus modeled how we should treat each other even when we’ve been hurt and betrayed. When we share the eucharist, we have the opportunity to extend the same grace Jesus showed us to those who have hurt and betrayed us, but are we? Jack closed by asking us to reflect on this: Are there stories of loss, betrayal, or harm that we’ve been part of that need to be retold in the context of grace and forgiveness?