Sacred Waters

A Child within, A Child without



AS AN UNBORN CHILD, HOW DID EMOTIONAL TRAUMA EFFECT YOU? Is it still having an unknown affect in your life TODAY?........ You will not consciously remember, but EVERYTHING is stored in your elicit memory. These memories UNRAVEL and make themselves known by spiking our emotions. How have they influenced your outlook on the life you are living NOW? ........... This Two part show explores the development of the emotional self, from life in the womb, to childhood, to adulthood. I'll be looking into how our pre-birth, and early childhood environment, nurtures, hinders, shapes and sometimes destroys portions of our psyche, which is a major contributing factor in our healthy brain functionality and development...........PART 2 airs next week 16th Feb 2011. It is entitled "Love, Nurture & Camouflage"