"the Haunted Truth" Paranormal Radio

"The Haunted Truth" Unearthing the Unknown with Mark & Debby Constantino's



We are BACK!!! Join Doug and co-host Rita G. for a very special show this week Nov. 21st 2010 - 6pm PST - 9pm EST on “The Haunted Truth” Paranormal Radio.. Our special return guests are Mark and Debby Constantino - husband and wife paranormal research team and renown specialist in the field of EVP’s (Electronic Voice Phenomena) The Constantino’s have investigated some of the most active locations known and have made numerous appearances on TV and Radio which include “Dead Famous,” Paranormal State” and “Ghost Adventures” Don’t miss what’s sure to be a super show.. Call us at 718-508-9724 to join us on the air with your questions or comments.. Don't miss our top rated show.. "The Haunted Truth" Paranormal Radio.. Please remember to support and help "Protect the Children"..