Authors Read Podcast

Episode 62: David White reads from Disrupting Corporate Culture: How Cognitive Science Alters Accepted Beliefs About Culture and Culture Change and Its Impact on Leaders and Change Agents



Research in cognitive science over the last 30 years shows much of what we know about culture in the business world is based on myth, wishful thinking, outdated science, or is just plain wrong. This is why culture-shaping and change programs in organizations often amount to little more than sloganeering with minimal impact on the lived experience of employees.This book bridges the gap between the latest research on cognitive science and culture, providing a valuable guide for change leaders, CEOs, and practitioners on how to sustainably work with and change this important resource. It answers many of the major questions that have plagued culture work, such as:Why so many CEOs and management consultants preach culture change when so few culture interventions actually succeedWhy CEOs persist in believing "culture starts at the top" when virtually no research in anthropology supports that claimWhy most culture shaping approaches have no answer for how to affect culture in global companiesWhy culture doesn’t