Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

44. Peter Shallard - The Insane Value of The Entrepreneurial Journey



“Betting on yourself is probably one of the most accelerated tracks of genuine personal development that you’ll ever go down.”In this episode I dive deep into the rabbit hole with psychotherapist and the ‘Shrink for Entrepreneurs’ - Peter Shallard.Peter started his business journey in his homeland of New Zealand with a brick and mortar psychotherapy clinic. After a local business owner became a client, Peter was inspired to explore entrepreneurialism to build his own practice. This kick-started a love affair with business and how business can be used as a tool for accelerated human growth and development.Fast-forward a decade, and Peter now works with entrepreneurs to help them achieve wealth, freedom, and sanity (the ultimate hat trick for entrepreneurs) so they’re in a position to figure out ‘what next’ - because that’s the place where life gets most fulfilling.This episode is incredible. Peter is obsessed with understanding what makes people tick and why they’re compelled to do the things they do. Peter’s