All Nations Church Bedford

LMPG005: The Final Plague



We continue our journey through Exodus, the story of God rescuing His people from slavery and oppression, delivering them into His glorious freedom. Not just to be free, but freed for purpose as His treasured sons and daughters through whom He will bring salvation and deliverance to all nations. And we are caught up in that story. This message focuses on the end of the plagues and particularly the plague on the firstborn. But what is the purpose of these plagues? (Exodus 7 - 12) The Nile turned into blood; frogs, gnats and flies; plagues on livestock, boils on bodies, hail that kills cattle and destroys buildings; locusts that decimate the harvest; darkness so thick you can feel it; death so widespread that every household knows that the angel of death has passed over. What’s going on? ***PRAYER REQUESTS*** If you have a prayer request please fill out this form and we'll do our best to get back to you. Alternatively, email us ***FIND OUT MORE ABOU