The Entrepreneurial You

The 10 Best Productivity Apps You and your VA Can Use to Get More Done



Barbara is an investor, entrepreneur, and Founder & CEO of The Virtual Hub - a business she started by accident that exploded in the space of 12 months to become one of the leading companies that recruits, trains, and manages virtual assistants for businesses who need to free up time and energy so they can go to the next level. With a strong focus on customized training and ongoing career development, Barbara has built a company that ensures their team is trained in cutting-edge programs (like Hubspot, Ontraport, etc.) to best meet their clients’ unique needs in digital marketing, social media, personal assistant services, and administrative support. BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER: The #1 cause of bad sleep   Show Notes   “If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jennifer Sincero   We are living in a fast-paced world so anything we can do to eke more time out of the day will make our lives way easier. It is not just about being busy, it is about