The Entrepreneurial You

Making the Leap From Traditional Employment to Entrepreneurship



Tra is a nationally recognized expert in entrepreneurship and business strategy. He is horrified by the significant decline of entrepreneurship in America, and he has made it his mission to rescue 1 million entrepreneurs from traditional employment. Tra’s new book, Boss Brain, reveals a scientifically-proven system that unlocks readers’ true potential and unleashes their entrepreneurial instincts so they can leave traditional employment forever. That’s the real American Dream!   BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER: The #1 cause of bad sleep   Show Notes   “Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like.” – Brian Chesky   The thought of venturing out from the security of a 9 to 5 can be daunting, seemingly disheartening and dismaying. BUT, it can be very rewarding and liberating once you are able to face the fear of the unknown.   This week, The Entrepreneurial You podcast invites Tra Williams to inspire and motivate you to make the leap from traditional employment and start a bus