Beauty Talk With Denise & Janice Tunnell

Beauty Talk With Founder of The Sister Accord Foundation, Sonia Jackson Myles



Join us this Sunday LIVE at 9pm EDT/6pm PDT for another inspiring episode of Beauty Talk. This week we speak with Author, and Founder, President & CEO of The Sister Accord Foundation, Sonia Jackson Myles.   The Sister Accord Foundation has 3 areas of focus: Educating girls and women, Enlightening girls and women of the Power of Sisterhood and Eradicating bullying and violence against girls and women. She is also the Founder & CEO of The Accord Group LLC, which is a leadership development, employee engagement, branding & diversity consultancy.  Its been a few years since Sonia has been on the show, so this Sunday we will catch up with her, allow her to speak about diversity, and she will also share her definition of beauty. This is an episode you will not want to miss. Please share our info with a friend and be sure to tune's Beauty Talk, the hottest beauty conversation online!!!