
Rebelmatic | B-Side



Firmly rooted in New York's Punk and Hardcore ancestry, Rebelmatic has self-sworn hip-hop purists, moshing alongside skate punks. They've got the respect of the legion of hardcore kids stashed away in the wilds of Brooklyn and Long Island. They can cast a wide net, with successful results because their personal brand of Brooklyn rock has more NY hard-knocks authenticity than most. Despite their NY pedigree the band's sound is a trippy "what-if" game. More pointedly, imagine The Doors making a hardcore album…except Jim Morrison isn't a privileged college kid feigning otherwise, but an offspring of the Corona slums…the wild mane now dreadlocks, and the jazz organ abandoned in a vacant lot. Group frontman, Creature, is a virtual General on New York's alt-scene. His packed and sweaty Fire Your Boss and Coffee Grind showcases have acted as the true vanguard of alternative urban arts in recent years. A haven for those who are about the band…not the bandwagon. He's single handedly created a scene that thrives outsi