Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

You're The Product, "The Social Dilemma" Doc Talk



Join Jurassic Jen, Rocco, and Kevin Mikel Dewitt as they embark on their own little social experiment, penetrating deep into Jeff Orlowski's "The Social Dilemma", which has premiered recently via Netflix. The cast has a fun round table discussion. Jurassic Jen admits to ALWAYS being on her phone, and assists Kevin in giving crucial parenting advice. Go figure, two people, who DON'T have kids, are going to tell YOU how to keep your kids safe from Artificial Intelligence. Kev's advice and T-Shirts coming soon, "Thomas Guide Your Kids".   What else will you hear this episode; Rocco plays with his new Glock Gen 4 9mm Pistol, tells amateur golfers to stay off of their phones while on the course. We also find out that Rocco is the "Dating App Detective".  He loves to report all the "Hinge Hookers". A.I. keeps sending Kevin advertisements for sex toys, I wonder what he's been searching for, on the internet.. A.I. sure knows. "The Social Dilemma" is an eye opening, powerful documentary and apparently the world wide w