The Entrepreneurial You

The Need For Self-Evolved Leadership



Dave McKeown helps individuals, teams, and organizations achieve excellence by doing the ordinary things extraordinarily well. He is the CEO of Outfield Leadership and author of The Self-Evolved Leader - Elevate Your Focus and Develop Your People in a World That Refuses to Slow Down. BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER: The #1 cause of bad sleep Show Notes   “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” – Jack Welch   Are leaders born or are they made? This age-old debate will yield  different responses depending on which side of the fence you sit.    This week, The Entrepreneurial You podcast invites   Dave McKeown to talk about self-evolved leadership and what that means for your organization and team.   Here is a snippet of what   Dave shared:   “It’s that mindset of understanding that your ego is going to seek value from you being rewarded from knowing the answers organization isn't helping your people grow and develop an