Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 107: Desmond Wiggan, Co-Founder and CEO of BatteryXchange



  This week we welcome Desmond Wiggan, a co-founder and CEO BatteryXchange to the podcast.  Like many entrepreneurs Desmond’s business model was disrupted as a result of Covid19.  As an African American entrepreneur, he also engaged in the community promoting equality for minority founders and changing the narrative for minorities in technology.  He’s also a new father. You’ll quickly learn that tackling all these things is just what Desmond does – he’s a fantastic person with great drive and self-awareness. Desmond was kind enough to talk through his journey with us.  In many regards, it started out with him running track in college.  Through his track team, he was able to learn how to be a leader.  He took that leadership and the know-how of doing what has to be done to win to the corporate world.  After spending time with Pepsi, Desmond took the opportunity to travel to China for his MBA. In the Spring of 2018 – just before leaving China - Aubrey Yeboah and Desmond developed the concept for BatteryXcha