Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies

Is your business synced with your cycle? Doing this changed my life and could change yours.



"I personally encourage every woman in business to tap into this inner wisdom and do things with a lot more ease for themselves and for the world."Misconceptions about period, cycles and business (03:41)Linking your business with your cycle (06:26)Menstruation phase - Winter season (10:53)Pre-ovulation phase  - Spring season (13:51)Ovulation phase - Summer season (16:49)Pre-menstrual phase - Autumn season (20:17)Planning your month with the awareness of  your cycle (26:47)Getting clear on how you feel in each phase of your cycle; identifying the things that you are leaning towards more and the things that you are avoiding more to work with your cyclic nature rather than against it (29:59)Links mentioned in the episode:Gina Frances' EPIC Freebie - 4 Phases to Womb Based Business: Gina:Instagram: @iamginafrancesFollow Sigrid:Instagram: @sigridtasies