We Are Photographers

Saunak Shah - The Global Pursuit



Saunak Shah is the Founder and Creative Director of Pursuit of Portraits, a global creative collective and community of portrait-lovers. What started as an Instagram account to showcase portrait photography, @pursuitofportraits has grown into a movement connecting hundreds of thousands of creatives around the world. We recorded this episode while Saunak was in Brazil as part of his one-year Global Pursuit, where he traveled to 5 continents, 21 countries and held over 50 photography meetups, often traveling to places where resources and opportunities are limited. Over 500 people showed up in Nairobi for the 1-day #pursuitofportraits event. He reminds us that while there is no substitute for hard work, we can all dare to dream. This is We Are Photographers with Saunak Shah and this is his story.