We Are Photographers

Tyler Babin - Adobe Creative Residency



Tyler Babin is a photographer, videographer & creative director based out of New York City. He’s currently a 2019-2020 Adobe Creative Resident where he’s paid by Adobe to, simply put, create. No clients, just creating. We recorded this episode in person during CreativeLive’s biggest conference of the year - Photoshop Week - where Tyler’s story came full circle. You’ll find out what led him to landing a spot as an Adobe Creative Resident and the ongoing evolution of Behind the Feed, his year-long documentary project pulling the curtain behind the reality of digital influencer culture. We learn why he quit his dream job working for VanyerMedia, where over 3 years earlier on his last day as an intern he’d talked his way into becoming a personal videographer for Gary Vanyerchuk in a 45-min taxi ride. We discuss how this journey all started when Tyler was 18 years old and flew across the country to be a student in Matthew Jordan Smith’s workshop at CreativeLive. This is We Are Photographers with Tyler Babin an