We Are Photographers

Ben Willmore - Creative Cruiser



Ben Willmore has taught over 100,000 Adobe Photoshop users in person on six continents, not to mention the hundreds of thousands he's taught online. A senior engineer from NASA once said that this man gave the best technical seminar he ever attended. Ben has an uncanny ability to connect with users of every level and mindset; whether it’s first-timers taking their first sniff of Photoshop, or razor-sharp nerds and nerdettes who are on the fast track to technical illumination. The common echo that Ben leaves in his wake seems to be “Aha! I finally GET Photoshop!”In this episode Ben takes us on the road along with his wife Karen, whether that is sailing around the world for 2-3 months at a time or driving their 40-foot vintage bus called Creative Cruiser around the U.S. We learn what first peaked Ben’s interest in both photography and design. Find out how Ben approaches learning something new and why he developed the teaching style that eventually led him to the Photoshop Hall of Fame.This is We Are Photographe