The Entrepreneurial You

How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Email List with Ideal Customers



Jana is a marketing expert and Pinterest specialist for online coaches, course creators, and service providers. She helps her clients and students systemize list growth so they can automate a steady stream of targeted leads for their courses and programs – and set themselves up for long-term business success.   Show Notes   "To excel at the highest level - or any level, really - you need to believe in yourself, and hands down, one of the biggest contributors to my self-confidence has been private coaching." - Stephen Curry   We perhaps know quite a bit about Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines but how much do we know about this micro-search platform, Pinterest? Apparently, there is much that we are missing out on when we decide whether consciously or unconsciously, not to include it in our marketing efforts.   This week, The Entrepreneurial You podcast invites Gana Osofsky to share on how to use Pinterest to grow your email list with ideal customers - with ease!   Here is a snippet of what