Matrix Breakers

2020 Election: Communism vs. Capitalism- The End of Freedom or The Launch of a New Renaissance



The arguments against candidates or for candidates is not the political theater we have in 2020. It isn't Trump vs. Biden it is Capitalism vs. Communism. Even if democrats won't admit it, socialism and communism have taken over their party. Previous party officials and politicians who have been voted out of the Democrat party have exposed this. Their policy is established by the United Nations. They layout the end of freedoms for the wishful thinking of a false utopian society. It's history repeating itself!  The American system is under attack by professors who write fictional history books that depict America as an evil empire. This is a lie, but is plagued throughout our culture and universities. Best selling books are espousing a revisionist history of the United States that are based on Marxist class warfare ideals. This has caused a rebellion against the very American system that has established the most freedoms and prosperity the world has ever seen.  I'll be referencing the book "United Sta