The Entrepreneurial You

The Value of User Testing and Consumer Research to Improve Products and Website Conversion



  Jordan is the founder and creative director of A Good Day, a bespoke experience studio specializing in custom stationery, events, branding and user experience. Getting his start in advertising, he's spent the last 13 years building a foundation in digital & consumer strategy with a focus on enhancing user experiences across the physical & digital worlds. He launched A Good Day in 2014 to marry his passions for paper & user experience, working on a wide range of projects from small business branding & custom wedding invitations to website redesigns & digital transformations for large multinational brands.   Show Notes   "Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. " -Zora Neale Hurston   Testing and measuring are absolutely essential to the growth of any business. In order to test and measure, consumer research is important. In this episode of The Entrepreneurial  You Podcast, Jordan  Kentris shared his knowledge on the value of user testing and consumer research to impro