Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly

The Fragile Face of God ~ Guest Author LeeAnn Taylor



Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Can our darkest hour give rise to miracles? And can departed loved ones intervene on our behalf? Chronicled by her journal entries, The Fragile Face of God is LeeAnn Taylor’s luminous story of one woman’s tragic descent into the darkness and, ultimately, her triumphant emergence into the light of redeeming love. It is a celebration of humanity—both the fragile and the sublime—and an intimate view into what makes our journey here one of purpose and eternal significance. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication host Lauren Polly and guest LeeAnn Taylor as they explore the sacred nature and indomitable soul of humankind. LeeAnn Taylor is an author, filmmaker and spiritual artist.  By the time she was twenty-six years old, three of her four children had been diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome—a genetic disorder manifesting in significant mental impairment, autism and a host of behavioral challenges. To her amazement, she discovered that out o