

Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Have you been with someone who was truly present with you.  Where there were no distractions, check outs or barriers to being seen or heard?   How did you feel with them?  Have you had moments where you were this for others as well?  What effect did you have on their mood, mindset and creation? Our presence, in all its wonderful intensity, is one of the greatest gifts to the world.  It is also a massive source of creative potential.  What if you were able to show up totally, fully and dynamically as you?  What would that create in your life, your relationships and businesses? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on unlocking your gift of presence. What if communication was FUN and EASEFUL for you? Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves