Game Changers

S2 EP8 - JON JAVIER - Getting Your Dream Job in 2020



Ex-Google, Ex-Snap, Ex- Cisco, Jon Javier, is the founder and CEO of Wonsulting, founded in 2019, with a mission of turning underdogs into winners: helping those who come from non-target schools/non-traditional backgrounds to get them into their dream careers. So far, they've helped tens of thousands receive offers from top companies including the Google's, Deloitte's, and Goldman Sachs' of the world. Wonsulting teaches students/job-seekers how to utilize LinkedIn and other platforms to get into their dream careers.Turning underdogs into winners is something important to him because it's what he strives to do. He came from a non-target school where the system taught him that the more jobs he applied to, the more responses he'd recieve when, in fact, he didn't receive responses from any. By help those who come from similar backgrounds, he hopes to bridge the gap between students and top companies, which he's done for tens of thousands.Thank you for watching and supporting!