Perry Noble Leadership Podcast

Leading Through Change Effectively



Episode Summary As the leader of your organization, change is something you have to commit to time and time again. We know change is never easy but leaders make difficult decisions that lead to thriving results. In this month’s episode, Perry Noble shares what he’s learned leading NewSpring through various changes and how you can lead your church or organization through change as well. Episode Resources If there’s anyway that we can serve you, email us at For additional resources and information, visit Episode Quotes Anytime a change comes about, it’s result of a change in me. — The way to know that change is coming is look at what God is doing in your life right now. — An Org Chart is actually a Care Chart. — Change is necessary to accommodate current growth and facilitate greater growth. — Complacency is more dangerous than the risks of change we anticipate. — The biggest risk of not changing is the death of your churc