

Episode Summary It's easy for us to think that a growing church or organization must be doing everything right. But, as any leader will testify, sometimes growth happens in spite of bad decisions. The key is to learn from your failures. That's why we want to talk about this idea of 'Failing Forward.' Nobody wants to experience failure, but we all do. In one way or another, it's something we all have in common. So, in this podcast we'll share some things we've learned by our failures. Episode Resources For free resources and additional information, check out If there's any way we can serve you, or you have any questions, email us at Connect with Perry: Perry on Twitter Perry on Facebook Perry on Instagram Perry’s Blog Episode Quotes Failure is an opportunity for focus. — If we don't learn from our failures, we will end up repeating our failures. — The worst mistake a leader can make when it comes to failure is try to fix it alone. &mdas