Total Wellness Empowerment With Nancy Guberti

Natural Remedies to Prevent Leg Cramps



According to a study, 60% of adults say they’ve experienced leg cramps at night and more common in the summer. Some researchers believe that our modern lifestyle is to blame. Your food intake, meds, or standing habits may also play a role. The following health conditions are associated with an increase in leg cramping: pregnancy, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, respiratory disease, MS depression, and artery disease.  Diuretic medications to lower blood pressure may trigger cramps because they deplete the body of fluid and salts. Other medications that can trigger leg cramps are asthma medication, synthetic and bio-identical estrogen hormone medication, and statins.  If your leg cramps are spontaneous and not exercise-related, it’s essential to see your doctor to rule out underlying concerns since cholesterol clogs blood vessels in the legs affecting blood flow. Hypothyroidism produces little amount of the thyroid hormone, and that deficiency can damage nerves that send signals from your spine and brain to