Carry Trainer Higher Line Podcast

Ed’s Manifesto | Higher Line Podcast #76



Mickey talks to Ed Calderon (aka Ed's Manifesto), former Mexican LEO that worked in the dangerous field of counter narcotics, organized crime investigation and public safety along the US-Mexico border. Calderon’s study in to the indigenous Méxican criminal culture, from occult practices to endemic modus operandi have lead him to be recognized as one of the worlds preeminent researchers and trainers in the field of personal security that have come out of Mexico. He's has had the privilege of sharing his expertise with members of federal law enforcement agencies, Navy SEALS, Indonesian Kapaska, Mexican GAFE, Mexican and United States intelligence service agents, and members of special forces groups from all over the world. Now Ed Calderon is sharing his "manifesto." He travels North America doing security consulting and conducting seminars and private training courses in anti-abduction, escapology, unarmed combat, region specific executive protection work and unconventional edged weapons work. He is also a C