The Entrepreneurial You

Leveraging Reviews to Grow Your Business



George is the Founder of 5 companies, 3 exits, still running two. He is the founder of, software and design agency, and online reputation management software, Wavereview.   Show Notes   "Nothing ruins your day more than getting a bad review." Taylor Swift   It is no secret that reviews can either make or break your business. This is backed by statistics. In a recent survey, 83% of consumers say they either completely or somewhat trust recommendations from family, colleagues, and friends about products and services – making these recommendations the highest ranked source for trustworthiness. [Nielsen]. This week’s episode of The Entrepreneurial You Podcast focuses on this notion.   Here is a snippet of what  George shared:   “The statistics that I've seen is that 70% of the people that read reviews trust them as much as a recommendation from a friend. If you're looking at a business and it has no reviews that means you're probably going to be 70% more likely to choose the business t