The Entrepreneurial You

Myths & Misconceptions of Personal Branding In The Digital Era



Edwin is the author of three books and has lectured to thousands of business professionals around the globe on the subjects of branding, social media, and digital marketing. In addition, Edwin has spent the last 35 years specializing in working with small businesses to increase their profits across the US and the globe. Edwin combines a unique ability to blend humor and pragmatic know-how into his presentations.    Show Notes “If your customer base is aging with you, then eventually you are going to become obsolete or irrelevant. You need to be constantly figuring out who are your new customers and what are you doing to stay forever young. ” ― Jeff Bezos   We are in an era where seemingly everyone is a branding expert and we have the digital age to thank for that. But, we must proceed with caution as we aim to get branding right.  This episode of The Entrepreneurial You podcast with Edwin Dearborn will explore some of the myths and misconceptions of branding in the digital age.   Here is a snippet of w