Delta Dispatches

Upriver Diversions and the Bonnet Carré Spillway. Also, hello, Pontchartrain Conservancy!



Thanks for listening to another episode of Delta Dispatches with Jacques Hebert and Simone Maloz! Today we talk with Dr. Ehab Meselhe, Professor, Tulane University, School of Science & Engineering about his illustrious career. He talks about his time studying two of the largest rivers in the world, the Nile and Mississippi. Dr. Meselhe also recently completed a study that looks at the impacts of planned upper river diversions on operations of the Bonnet Carré spillway. Later in the show, we’re joined by Kristi Trail, Executive Director, Pontchartrain Conservancy (née, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation)! She talks about her organization’s new name, mission, and how they’re using science for our coast. Visit their new website here to learn about the new Pontchartrain Conservancy: