Drop Panda Podcast

PS5 Announcement, Hardcore Fans vs NewComers and Engaging Side Quests - Drop Panda Podcast #27



Starring: Adam, Julian, Bruce (Guest) PS5 and the announced titles, hardcore fans vs newcomers and what makes a side quest engaging and how they can be developed. Apple Podcast: itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/feed/id1368060977 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ggu1cQrNMPTvMcZtQGfaI Anchor: anchor.fm/drop-panda-podcast Youtube:www.youtube.com/channel/UC91SdnrD9yNk3OXtfqr54dQ Google Podcast:  https://goo.gl/4rDmd1 Email: droppandaproductions@gmail.com