Game Changers

S2 EP6: ALEX ES & OG JONAH - Black Lives Matter



In our most recent episode, we had on 2 well-known public figures in the Edmonton Community, Alex Eks and Clinton Jonah. Both Alex and Clinton have been heavily involved in activism with the BLM movement taking place in the city. Alex is the co-founder of The Gifted Gab Podcast and is running petitions to create reform in the systemic racism rooted in Canada. Having faced racism most of his life, Alex has a strong passion to bring about change through the BLM movement. Alex also played a role in organizing the large protest that took place in Edmonton and has been a leader recently seen on multiple news channels speaking out on the changes that need to take place in Canada.OG Jonah returns to our podcast for the second time, not as a rapper but more as an activist. OG was the lead host of the BLM protest in YEG that gathered over 15000 people and in other protests as well. He has been raising money for George Floyds Family through his YEGMG BLM collection and was one of the first leaders in the city to speak