Random Signal

R.S. #17 - Neck Deep in Geek



"Fuller, Richard Buckminster (1895-1983)" by Artichoke (dedicated to Derek from Skepticality) More on Dragon*Con 2005 with specific mentions of Geek Fu Action Grip, The DragonPage: Wingin' It, The Brobdingnagian Bards, The Signal, and The Seanachai. I'm going to be part of the Duke Podcasting Symposium! (September 27-28, 2005) I'm also buried in a back-log of podcasts and comics. "Just There" by Kapow! Music (www.buhananrecords.com) I'll post pictures of my Starman costume soon! "Siamese Hearts" by David Karsten Daniels (www.buhananrecords.com)