Random Signal

R.S. #44 - My, The Earth Really Is Full of Things!



I can't stop playing Katamari Damacy! However, I did manage to break away long enough to set up my new recording gear. Please let me know what you think of the new sound! The Tom Waits show was, as expected, amazing. Here's a scan of the setlist I jotted down during the show, in the dark. Yes I am a big nerd. The Eyeball Kid has complete coverage of all the shows on the Orphans tour. Song 1: Another Man's Vine - Tom Waits (from Blood Money, courtesy of Epitaph) Promo: The Voice of Free Planet X I had a fantastic time in San Jose at BlogHer 2006. We met a ton of awesome people, including "sexpert" Susie Bright and Heather Powazek Champ, community director at Flickr and co-editor of JPG Magazine. Our interviews with both women can be found in Lulu Radio #9. Song 2: Fragile - Tall Dwarfs (from Fifty Flavours of Glue) The Military Moustaches of Stratego Trivia Challenge was a spectacular failure. Thank you for those loyal few who participated. The ranks with facial hair as depicted on my 1986 ver