Random Signal

R.S. #67 - Hometown Tunes



I've been called out by listener Brandt for "shenanigans" because this episode is coming one month and one day after my last show. But you know what, Brandt? I don't care because I got a new job! That's right, I am the newest project manager at Newfangled Web Factory in Carrboro, NC. To celebrate, all of today's music is by local bands. Song 1: Dark Horse - Bowerbirds (from Hymns For a Dark Horse)[MySpace] [Emusic]Song 2: Terrier - The Moaners (from Dark Snack)[MySpace] [Emusic] [iTunes]Song 3: Say You Will - The Honored Guests (from Tastes Change) [MySpace] [iTunes]Song 4: Give It Away If You Can - Tad Dreis (from Play To Remember)[MySpace] [Emusic] [iTunes]Song 5: For All I Know - SNMNMNM (from Crawl Inside Your Head)[MySpace] [Emusic] [iTunes]