Tim Salz

A time to listen about Racial Reconciliation (Part two)



Part two of two. A time to listen about Racial Reconciliation with Pastor Raphael G Irving Mdiv. It was an honor to learn from you Pastor Raphael, and I am still mulling over your insight and wisdom. Thank you. If you want to listen in, which I encourage you to, go find our podcast on any podcast platform @timsalz or youtube @timsalz, you can DM me if you have problems. Grace and Peace. “Only through the seeds of Repentance will we see the fruit of Redemption.”  Connect with us:  Pastor Raphael G Irving Mdiv. https://www.facebook.com/raphaelg.irv... timsalz https://www.instagram.com/timsalz https://www.facebook.com/timtherev Lenny Graves https://www.instagram.com/radleo