Service Drive Revolution With Chris Collins

Advanced Sales



This episode is not only hilarious, but has some of the most amazing SALES TRAINING TIPS you'll hear this year.STRAIGHT OUT OF THE GATE the Service Drive Gurus Chris Collins, G-MAN and a now regular Jair Martinez, open with Jair’s offer to wed his close friends, which turns into some comedy later on in the show. But first the guys wind down by noticing the coinciding trips to Las Vegas this weekend; Jair heading to a bachelor party and Chris and Gary heading for work - maybe they’ll meet up!This quickly turns to some great gambling stories. First Gary recalls a time he was playing craps and he has was playing alongside Chris and made a mistake that threw off Chris's Flow - a big no no! Jair follows this up talking about his trip to Lake Tahoe the past weekend and how a close friend of his was rolling the dice, killing the table with people cheering and winning, and how his wife came over and said “I want to leave”- listen to see what follows. This leads onto a couple greater and completely hilarious Vegas gam